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Author: Zach Vander Veen

Soccer Ball

Athletic Eligibility with Abre

Coaches and schools use Abre for determining athletic eligibility. By centering all student data in one location, eligibility dashboards are easy.

These Guys Take Care of the Data So You Can Focus on Student Outcomes

By most measures, Abre is one of the most successful and fastest growing EdTech companies around. Over the last couple of years, they have practically invented a category, DaaS, or Data-as-a-Service. In short, these former school and district data guys have figured out how to take the entire data headache away from your district, and hand you back a finely integrated service that organizes all your data and makes it actionable to every stakeholder, including teachers, administrators, parents, students and community organizations

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How Students Understand the Full Picture

How can students understand the full picture of their growth? Abre’s Student360 ties everything involving a student together and solves the problem of fragmentation and siloed data surrounding them. This year we’re excited to offer the Student360 to students!